Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Smile of Children and the Elderly

SOURCE:    "Papal Audience with members of the Italian Financial Police," September 21, 2024

KEYWORDS: politics, love, neighbor, society, community, justice, generosity, sharing, grace

From Pope Francis:

Matthew, in a certain sense, moved from the logic of profit to that of equity. But, in the school of Jesus, he also went beyond equity and justice and came to know gratuitousness, the gift of self that generates solidarity, sharing, inclusion. Gratuitousness is not just a financial dimension, it is a human dimension. Entering into the service of others, freely, without seeking profit for oneself. Because while justice is necessary, justice is not enough to fill those gaps that only gratuitousness, charity and love can heal.

You experience this, for example, when you organize the reception and rescue of migrants in danger in the Mediterranean: thank you for this, thank you. Or in your courageous interventions in the event of natural disasters, in Italy and elsewhere. But think of the fight against the scourge of drug trafficking, the merchants of death. Your service does not end with protection of the victims, but includes the attempt to help the rebirth of those who do wrong: indeed, by acting with respect and moral integrity you can touch consciences, showing the possibility of a different life.

In this way to one can and must construct an alternative to the globalization of indifference – the globalization of indifference: provide an alternative to this – this globalization of indifference, which not only destroys with violence and war, but also neglects social care and the environment. In effect, the wealth of a nation is not solely in its GDP; it resides in its natural, artistic, cultural and religious heritage – and in the smile of its inhabitants, its children. Once, a head of State said to me: “I have a special measurement: the smile of children and the elderly. When both of them smile, things are not going too badly in a society”. It is curious, this … and this favours creativity, openness to the world. You yourselves are citizens who safeguard this “wealth” of Italy, but are ready to go on international missions. There is a need for this impetus to solidarity towards the other as a way to peace and as a hope for a better future!

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