Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Power of Being Present

SOURCE:  "This is How to Own Everything." The Daily Stoic, March 31, 2022.  

KEYWORDS:  presence, present, marriage, joy, living, loving, love, ownership, steward, stewardship, pastoral care, hospitality, fellowship, koinonia

"John Graves had a large farm. Like Cato the Elder, he worked the property, he cultivated it, he made money from it. But he once joked that property owners had to be careful. The little child, he said, roaming the hills and playing in the streams, may own it out from under you.

Because while you’re busy worrying, stressing, solving one problem after the next, they’re actually experiencing it. They’re the only ones truly living on it.

What Graves was speaking to the power of being present."