Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Abraham Journeys Forth into the Unknown


KEYWORDS: Genesis, Sarah, Sarai, Abram, Abraham, Angels

Abraham Journeys Forth into the Unknown by Yoram Raanan

"In the painting, a golden axis of light shines in the figure of Abraham hinting at this revelation of celestial elevation.

The painting also reflects darkness and constriction. Abraham's journey was filled with tribulations. He was forced by famine to go down to the land of Egypt where his wife Sara was taken to house of Pharoah. This is hinted at in the painting by the suggestion of figures in the shadows. At the end of this difficulty, Abraham emerged from Egypt with treasures. The Sfat Emet explains that all Abraham"s comings and goings were in order to elevate hidden sparks of G‑dliness. In the painting, it looks as if Abraham is digging this physical and spiritual gold out of the very darkness."

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