Friday, March 27, 2020

Murphy's Law

SOURCE:  "When Things Are Tough, Remember This." Daily Stoic. March 27, 2020
KEYWORDS:  worse, tough times, bad times, overwhelmed, difficulty, Murphy's Law

Most languages have some expression to the effect of “When it rains, it pours.” For instance, in Latin malis mala succedunt means troubles are followed by troubles. In Japanese, they say, “when crying, stung by bee.” The point of these expressions is to capture an unfortunate reality of life: that what can go wrong will… and often all at the same time.

For a good history and origin of Murphy's Law, check out this site:

The question everyone asks at some point is: Who is Murphy? The person this law refers to is Capt. Edward A. Murphy Jr. He was an engineer working for the Air Force in Project MX981.

The goal was to test human resistance to g-forces in quick decelerations. It is said that one day in 1949, after he found a transducer was wired inappropriately, he scolded the technician who did this job and told him that “if there was any way to do it wrong, he would find it”.

The project manager kept a book with “laws” and added this one, which he called “Murphy’s Law”.

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