Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Husted Homiletics

From a workshop by Heidi Husted entitled "Preaching in the Missional Church"...

Dr. Husted described a process that she used in her congregation named "Partners in Ministry." The following are "voices which are part of the dialogue" of sermon preparation.

1. The Text itself.
We should preach texts. This is the first naivete. Read the text over and over again. Read the text aloud. Use different translations including paraphrases like the Message or the Cotton Patch Gospels. Wallow in the the text.

2. Listen to the World behind the Text.
Look at the Greek and Hebrew. Study the historical-critical background. Remember that full objectivity is not possible.

3. Literary Form.
Note the world that the text creates.

4. Your Voice (The Preacher's Voice).
Where am I coming from?

5. Listen to the Congregation.
What hits you in the text? What would your congregation pick up on? What is surprising or offensive, confusing or ellusive, connecting or disconnecting?

6. Listen to the Distant Others.
The disinfranchised. Differences in class, race, culture and faith.

7. Listen to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit should be present in the entire process.

I would only add a few things. We should listen to the Church. How has the church interpreted the text? Does the text bring insight to the Confessions? How?

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